Wheel of the Witch ~ Working Seasonal Magic: Spring Equinox/Ostara

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There are eight special moments of change, or Sabbats, that mark the seasons and the turning of the year in pre-Christian European earth-based traditions. The Sabbats are like gateways that are ripe with possibility, each one a time for ritual, for personal magic and collective prayer.

During our sessions, we will learn skills and tools to help us build our own rituals for four of these holy days, drawing on tools of Priestessing, building relationships with ancestors and allies, learning to receive information about what is to come while also gaining courage for stepping into the mystery. We will be working closely with the goddess Brigid and her many incarnations, including the "bridge", the triple goddess, the flame keeper, the blacksmith, the poet, and the one who stands at the cemetery gates and pours the healing waters.

We will meet ahead of these holy days in order to make timely preparations for our personal practices.

Each session is $35. 
Friday, March 13th, 6:30-9pm ~ Spring Equinox/Ostara

About the Instructor: MaeDea Lady LaRose is an Initiated Witch of the Goddess Mysteries and a Graduate of the Blue Iris Mystery School. She is a mother, poet, musician, Femme Honey Queen artist who is dedicated to re-enchanting the world through the gates of fierceness, art, beauty, justice and healing. MaeDea is initiated into queer, non-linear, ecstatic, crossroads magic, rooted in earth-based Western European religions. This magic is practical, joyful and ancient. It is centered in folk ancestral traditions.